
We are not very religious and we haven’t been to church from an inner calling, nor do we try to reserve a place in Heaven through the good deeds we do.

But we always enjoy the Easter period, just because all people seem to remember, for a few days, the existence of Good.

Good brings peace, and peace brings Beauty. | Beauty generates the feeling of Goodness and thus we obtain a perfect balance of life.

We are always at the forefront of interior design and beyond a simple sustenance “job”, we have a difficult mission: to preach “Beauty”.

I say it’s a difficult mission because the Beauty is in a constant battle with its enemy “the trend” – the trend being in fact an interpretation of the Beauty in a commercial, distorted and often corrupt version.

Yes, beyond “cute”, “cool” and “super” there is Beauty!

  • Beauty is not quantifiable, can not be measured with instruments.
  • Beauty is priceless and cannot be ordered online.
  • Beauty does not exist in the second-hand version.
  • Beauty is not a matter of “de gustibus”, but it is edible (!)
  • Beauty is not in any top.
  • Beauty cannot be recounted.
  • Beauty is not arguable and cannot be contradicted.
  • Beauty will not leave you indifferent and you cannot be arrogant in front of it.
  • Beauty will never deceive you.
  • Beauty is not shown to you, but it is deeply sought after.
  • Beauty is precious and rare.
  • Beauty takes different clothes, but you will recognise it immediately.
  • Beauty is not a fad.
  • Beauty is a need!

Beauty is the reflection of moral and cultural values: modesty, decency, discretion, balance, moderation, patience, experience, selflessness, empathy… knowledge and culture.

Beauty is not a divine gift, it is born out of the vision, passion and work of a few people.

It becomes a concept, comes to life and imposes its own rules and discipline.

Then it materialises, going through different states and stages until it crystallises and reaches, in different ways, purity – at the rank of art.

Our role is to use all the tools and ingredients we have at our disposal and to bring Beauty into your home, and into your life.

Everything adjusted to the space and your real needs, and last but not least to your character and personality.

We can only do this if you are just as Beautiful on the inside!

PS: Let it be … in the kitchen!

Andrei Gângă

Andrei Gângă

Art Director @ MyKitchen | Mă recomandă experiența de peste 20 ani în domeniul bucătăriilor, capacitatea de a rezona cu fiecare client în parte și intuirea nevoilor tale reale, astfel că proiectul bucătăriei este unul care să îți reflecte personalitatea și în același timp cu un design elegant, care să sfideze trecerea timpului, funcțional și care ține cont de toate condiționările spațiului. Te aștept la showroom să discutăm despre bucătăria ta! myKitchen | Bucătării cu personalitate Bd. Ferdinand I nr. 70, parter, Sector 2 - București


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